High-Fidelity Mockup

High-Level Graphic Mockups

These mockups represent all the creative and design decisions that we’ve made up to this point. We have focused our design by narrowing our scope and removing unnecessary peripheral features in the process. Each element of the mockup is deliberate and is supported by testing and research.

Design Process

From our wireframes, we developed an initial set of mockups.

We chose colors that were clean and calming so they did not distract from the content, and created a system of icons and coded shapes to help our users navigate throughout the different functions. These design choices were inspired by our vision of helping users understand their coverage by allowing them to easily access relevant, accurate information without getting confused.

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Finalizing the Mockups

During another in-class activity, we received feedback from peers on our designs.

Several people brought up concerns about the style and layout of our introduction sequence, particularly the lack of any progress indication. While the preventive care screen was largely a success, we received concern that relying strictly on colors to indicate the active care type filter might be a cause for concern for colorblind users, so we added an additional outline to symbol the currently selected filter.

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Future Development

Although these mockups are the highest extent to which we will take this project, there are still many opportunities for future development. Ms. Cecelia Ambros and Mr. Aaron Benjamin from Amazon, as well as Mr. Brian O’Shea from Blink UX recommended further exploration of the Chat feature this would be the first of its kind as far as centralizing specific information about health insurance and medical planning in general.

We are also still passionate about the idea of maintaining privacy while allowing users to use the app, so another way to delve deeper into existing features would be to make data input optional again, as it was before the Wireframes stage. This would require adapting all functions of the app depending on how much personal information the user has entered.

Downloadable PDFs

Final Mockups
